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modern Bolivia

Colonial coinage (to 1825):

quarter reales

half reales

one reales

milled one reales

two reales

a set of four, two, one and ¼ real cobs, c. 1574, from a UBS sale

Charles III

milled two reales

four reales

Philip V

Ferdinand VI

Charles III

pillar four reales

bust four reales

eight reales


Charles II
Philip V
Ferdinand VI
Charles III

pillar type

bust type of Charles III

Charles IV

Ferdinand VII

one escudos

two escudos

four escudos

eight escudos

Republic pre-decimal coinage (1825-68):

Bolivia in 1892, from the Encyclopedia Britannica

¼ and ½ sol

one sol

two soles

four soles

eight soles

half scudos


two scudos

four scudos

eight scudos

Republic decimal coinage (1864-1951)

one centavo

five centavos

ten centavos

twenty centavos

fifty centavos

one boliviano

five bolivianos

Modern coinage (since 1952)

Patterns, essais and miscellaneous links: