Ancient Coins
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Ancient Coins include Greek and Roman coins up until the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century AD. Strictly speaking, the Byzantine coins listed here are medieval but numismatists have usually collected them as part of an ancient coin collection.
- Byzantine (491-518) semissis Sear-6
- Byzantine (492-518) tremissis Sear-8
- Byzantine (507-518) solidus Sear-5
- Byzantine (522-527) solidus Sear-56
- Byzantine (527-552) semissis Sear-143
- Byzantine (527-565) tremissis Sear-145
- Byzantine (567-578) solidus Sear-345
- Byzantine (578-582) solidus Sear-422
- Byzantine (578-582) tremissis Sear-425
- Byzantine (578-582) tremissis Sear-470
- Byzantine (582-602) semissis Sear-486
- Byzantine (584-602) solidus Sear-481
- Byzantine (604-605) tremissis
- Byzantine (638-639) solidus Sear-764
- Byzantine (662-667) solidus Sear-964
- Byzantine (674-681) solidus Sear-1155
- Byzantine (692-695) solidus Sear-1248
- Byzantine (705-711) tremissis Sear-1419
- Byzantine (720-725) solidus Sear-1504
- Byzantine (735-741) solidus Sear-1524
- Byzantine (751-775) solidus Sear-1570
- Byzantine (780-790) solidus Sear-1593
- Byzantine (790-792) solidus Sear-1591
- Byzantine (829-830) solidus Sear-1671
- Byzantine (921-923) solidus Sear-1746
- Byzantine 603 solidus Sear-623
- Eastern Roman Empire (347-348) solidus RIC VIII 132
- Eastern Roman Empire (378-383) solidus RIC IX 46(d)4
- Eastern Roman Empire (404-416) solidus RIC X 1252
- Eastern Roman Empire (476-491) solidus RIC X 929